On Tennis
Started playing at seven. Taught tennis through law school and afterwards in Europe. Life interfered, then my knees did. Double knee-replacement surgery in 2013. Deeply grateful to be back on the court, thrilled at my level, and treating tennis like the spiritual practice and moving meditation it can be.
Your Path Is Your Pathology
We are mind and body. But it is not only our thoughts that affect how our bodies act and react. So do the higher-level patterns that define our personalities, that make us relatively hot-blooded or cold-blooded, compassionate or punitive, detached or engaged. We are mind, psyche and body, and the three are linked in a […]
The Delicate Art of Going Big
A few days ago, I found myself watching a post-match interview with Roger Federer a/k/a God. I attend to his comments the way a spiritual seeker listens to a mountaintop guru. And God said, “I was tactically unsettled in this match. I wasn’t sure when to hit a rally ball, and when to go big.” […]
Easy Listening Tennis
Tennis is an intensely visual game. You watch your opponent as they strike the ball, hoping to pick up the spin, pace and directionality of their shot, and of course you watch the ball, ideally with the laser-like focus of a hawk on its prey. But wait. We have other senses as well and they […]